Jane Eyre
Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou, Jiangsu
Chen Xuya
The other teachers, poor things, were generally themselves too much dejected to attempt the task of cheering others. Meantime,Mr. Brocklehurst, standing on the hearth with his hands behind his back, majestically surveyed the whole school. Suddenly, his eye gave a blink, as if it had met sth. That either dazzled or shocked its pupil; turning, he said in more rapid accents than he had hitherto used--“Miss Temple, Miss Temple, what - what is that girl with curled hair? Red hair, ma’am, curled - curled all over?”
and extending his cane he pointed to the awful object, his hand shaking as he did so.
“It is Julia Severn,” Replied Miss Temple very quietly.
伟德国际1916备用网址 陳旭雅
可憐的是,其他老師大多自己都很沮喪了,無法再去激勵别人。同時,布洛克赫斯特先生背着手站在壁爐前,威風凜凜地審視着整個學校。 突然,他眨了眨眼,好像看到了什麼暈眩刺眼的東西。他轉過身去,用比剛剛更加急促的語調說道—“坦普爾小姐,坦普爾小姐,那個卷發女孩是什麼。。。。。。怎麼回事? 就是那個紅頭發,滿頭卷發那個。” 他一邊說着,一邊用顫抖的手伸出他的拐杖指着那個可怕的人。“她是朱莉娅. 塞文。”坦普爾小姐輕聲回複。